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Fly fishing guide Pat holding a large brown trout caught fly fishing the Tumut River

Drift Boat Fly Fishing the Tumut River to Nimbo Fork Lodge with Guides Mickey Finn and Pat Ryan

Tom's Outdoors fly fishing guides Mickey and Pat do the Nimbo drift, fishing the Tumut River from town to Nimbo Fork Lodge. This day was one for the books, with Pat picking himself up a PB brown from an area of the river which will evermore be known as 'Pat's Reverse'. The day concludes at the spectacular Nimbo Fork Lodge with a cold beverage on the verandah overlooking the magical Tumut River.

Featuring Mickey Finn and Pat Ryan. Filmed and edited by Dean Johnson.

Nimbo Fork Lodge is a brilliant blend of spectacular natural landscapes, incredible dining and luxury. Book yourself into the lodge for the night and dine with the Three Blue Ducks, who excel in preparing ethical food utilising seasonal local produce. With origins as a fly fishing lodge, combine your stay at Nimbo with a guided day from the team here at Tom's Outdoors, and you'll have yourself one unforgettable experience.

Book your stay and/or dining at Nimbo here. Book your guided fly fishing day with Tom's Outdoors here.

Fly fishing guide Pat holding a large brown trout caught fly fishing the Tumut RiverFly fishing guide Pat holding a large brown trout caught fly fishing the Tumut RiverDrift boat fly fishing the Tumut River to Nimbo Fork Lodge with guides Mickey Finn and Pat Ryan
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